Welcome to Mrs. Thibodeaux’s Classroom

Welcome to Mrs. Thibodeaux’s Classroom
Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year. This site will serve as a resource for students, parents, and others who support JCS students during the school year.
Click on your class name at the top to see your target learning goals, class resources, and class syllabus.
This year each of you will be exploring concepts, themes, arguments, and elements that are significant to what you will encounter in life. With a positive attitude, a curious nature, and the motivation to learn and perform to the best of your ability, you will learn more about the world, yourself, and demonstrate new talents.
Mark Twain said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Education gives all of us the opportunity to explore, dream, and discover.
This will be the theme for this year’s English classes as we explore what is written, what you feel and think, dream about the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead, and discover the meaning in the text by sharing thoughts, dreams, and opinions with each other.
I encourage you to contact me by phone or email with questions.
Welcome to the new school year.
Mrs. Thibodeaux
Every man’s memory is his private literature. Adlous Huxley
Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a stand still. Henry David Thoreau
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Preparing for the SAT?
Visit CollegeBoard to study and register.
6 Traits of Writing - a closer look at how I grade
Exploring the documents that frame education in Mrs. Thibodeaux’s English classes.
Creating a Class Constitution
Assignment #1
As culture is reflected in literature, it is also reflected in our standards of education. You will review the U.S. Constitution Preamble, the constitution, and other documents in similar format to recognize basic arguments made in a document defining a group of people as part of an organization, country, or club.
Each class will review the webquest according to the directions for the class you are in. After we establish what a constitution is, why it is created, and how it identifies a group of people, we will look at the standard documents that will frame English class for the 2009-2010 school year. We will write the constitution in class and potentially finish it for homework, signing it on August 31/September 1.
For more information about the founding documents of our class, click on your class name at the top of the page. Scroll down to the Documents Guides and Required Paperwork section.
In starting a new school year, guidelines and expectations need to be clear. By creating a class constitution, we will have set goals and expectations for students, peers, parents/guardians, and the students will be able to tell me what they expect of me.
For additional information, please call or email me.
Syllabi: Click on your class, print and sign the last page acknowledging you have read and discussed the contents with your parent/guardian/student. Bring to class August 26/27.